Construction Corner
Welcome to the Construction Corner. This page will be dedicated to construction news and updates. We will also post updates on the bulletin board in the vestibule and in the weekly bulletin..
2/28/2016 4 Comments Feb 28th UpdateWe are well on our way to being back in the church on Palm Sunday!
· The painting of the ceilings in the sanctuary, narthex, and bathrooms will be completed by 2/26. · The floor tile installation in the church will begin on 2/24. · The installation of the new windows is scheduled to begin on 2/29. · The exterior walls are in the process of being framed. · The new exterior skin is being installed on the two ends of the building. The main entrance of the church will not be available for us to use during Holy Week and for many weeks to come as the front plaza has been demolished and may not be completed until May. We will, however, be able to enter the church through the Stone Mountain Room and the doorways on the back of the church – the double doors that open to the covered walk to the gym building. Please continue to pray for the safety of our construction workers and give thanks for their handiwork! Estamos bien en nuestra manera de estar de nuevo en la iglesia el Domingo de Ramos! · La pintura de los techos en el santuario, nártex , y los baños se completará a 2/26. · La instalación de las baldosas en la iglesia comenzará el 2/24. · La instalación de las nuevas ventanas está programada para comenzar el 2/29. · Las paredes exteriores están en proceso de ser enmarcado. · La nueva piel exterior está siendo instalado en los dos extremos del edificio . La entrada principal de la iglesia no estará disponible para nosotros a usar durante la Semana Santa y durante muchas semanas a venir como la plaza delantera ha sido demolido y no puede completarse hasta mayo . Nosotros, sin embargo , ser capaz de entrar en la iglesia a través de la sala de montaña de piedra y las puertas en la parte posterior de la iglesia - las puertas dobles que se abren a la cubierta de paseo a la construcción de un gimnasio. Por favor , continúen orando por la seguridad de nuestros trabajadores de la construcción y dar gracias por su obra !
2/14/2016 0 Comments February 14th UpdateThe interior demolition work has been completed and the rebuilding has begun! Within the next two weeks…
The concrete for the bathrooms will be poured. New LED lighting will be installed. The new windows will be shipped: Those in the sanctu-ary will be replaced first. Those in the Stone Mountain room and offices will follow. As of this update, we are still on schedule to be back in the church for Holy Week! Please pray for the safety of our con-struction workers and give thanks for their handiwork. Also, please thank our Corpus Christi staff and priests for their pa-tience and perseverance through all the noise and inconven-iences. El trabajo de demolicio n interior se ha completado y la recon-struccio n ha comenzado! Dentro de las pro ximas dos sema-nas ... Se vierte el concreto para los cuartos de ban o . Se instalara iluminacio n LED Nuevo . Sera n enviados Las nuevas ventanas: Los que esta n en el santuario sera n reemplazados por primera vez. Los que esta n en la sala de Stone Mountain y oficinas seguira . A partir de esta actualizacio n , todaví a estamos a tiempo de volver a la iglesia para la Semana Santa! Por favor, oren por la seguridad de nuestros trabajadores de la construccio n y dar gracias por su obra . Tambie n, por favor, gracias a nuestro per-sonal Corpus Christi y sacerdotes por su paciencia y persever-ancia a trave s de todo el ruido y molestias. |
Please Note:The following meetings and events will be postponed for the duration of the construction period:
· Eucharistic Adoration · Coffee and Donuts ·Blood Pressure Screenings · First Fridays: The Senior's Monthly Meeting & Mass · And any activities that normally occur in the: Cry Room, Stone Mountain Room or Beltran Room Annex. · The Beltran Annex is being used as a Sacristy. · The Stone Mountain Room is now setup as the church. Please consider moving your meetings off site or suspending them during this period. The current phase of construction will end March 18th. Thank you for your cooperation during this time. In case you missed it...Read previous updates by clicking the Archives below. Archives
December 2017