Construction Corner
Welcome to the Construction Corner. This page will be dedicated to construction news and updates. We will also post updates on the bulletin board in the vestibule and in the weekly bulletin..
We are on track for Dekalb County to come on site the last week of May to approve a temporary certificate of occupancy for our return to the sanctuary. If granted, we could be in the sanctuary the first week of June.
Please continue to pray for this outcome! · The preparation work on the exterior of the lower building (gym and preschool) will begin this week. It is critical that this work begin as soon as possible so that we can re-open the preschool in August. Most of the work on the lower building will be to the exterior; however, new grease traps will be installed in both kitchens and the windows will be replaced. The grease trap installation in the gym kitchen will begin immediately to avoid any impact of events planned during the summer. Window replacement takes several weeks as the old windows must be removed, measurements made, windows ordered, framing built, windows installed and then water tested. As we know from the sanctuary and administrative offices, plywood takes the place of the glass for several weeks. Although the exterior of the lower building will be in disarray for a few months, the gym will be available for events. · The exterior of our buildings will soon have a fresh look. We would like to also improve our landscaping. If you are a landscape architect who would like to share your gift of landscape planning with your parish family, please contact the front office. · Thank you for your patience and continuing financial support for this much needed work to our facilities. Soon we will be able to celebrate! Estamos en el camino para el Condado de Dekalb para venir en el lugar la última semana de mayo para aprobar un certificado temporal de ocupación para nuestro regreso al santuario. Si se concede, podríamos estar en el santuario de la primera semana de junio. Por favor, continúen orando por este resultado! · El trabajo de preparación en el exterior del edificio más bajo (gimnasio y preescolares) comenzará esta semana. Es fundamental que esta obra comience tan pronto como sea posible para que podamos volver a abrir el preescolar en agosto. La mayor parte del trabajo en el edificio más bajo será al exterior; Sin embargo, nuevas trampas de grasa se instalarán en ambas cocinas y serán reemplazadas las ventanas. La instalación de la trampa de grasa en la cocina gimnasio comenzará inmediatamente para evitar cualquier impacto de los actos programados durante el verano. El reemplazo de ventanas lleva varias semanas que hay que eliminar las viejas ventanas, las mediciones realizadas, ventanas ordenadas, enmarcando incorporado, ventanas instaladas y después se prueba el agua. Como sabemos por el santuario y oficinas administrativas, madera contrachapada toma el lugar del vidrio durante varias semanas. Aunque el exterior del edificio más bajo será en desorden durante unos meses, el gimnasio estará disponible para eventos. · El exterior de los edificios pronto tendrá una nueva mirada. Nos gustaría también mejorar nuestros jardines. Si usted es un arquitecto del paisaje que le gustaría compartir su don de la planificación del paisaje con su familia parroquial, por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina principal. · Gracias por su paciencia y continuo apoyo financiero para este trabajo tan necesario a nuestras instalaciones. Pronto seremos capaces de celebrar!
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Please Note:The following meetings and events will be postponed for the duration of the construction period:
· Eucharistic Adoration · Coffee and Donuts ·Blood Pressure Screenings · First Fridays: The Senior's Monthly Meeting & Mass · And any activities that normally occur in the: Cry Room, Stone Mountain Room or Beltran Room Annex. · The Beltran Annex is being used as a Sacristy. · The Stone Mountain Room is now setup as the church. Please consider moving your meetings off site or suspending them during this period. The current phase of construction will end March 18th. Thank you for your cooperation during this time. In case you missed it...Read previous updates by clicking the Archives below. Archives
December 2017